This weekend our whole Sunflowers Kids Club : kids, their parents and grandparents  had a trip to Filey. About 80 people!

For most, it was their first trip to the English seaside! The idea came from one of the Club’s supporters, James Bishop, who wanted Ukrainian kids to experience a day out at the seaside. He sponsored the coach, beach toys and ice-cream. It is such a privilege to experience such kindness from local people. The trip took some organising (3 buses, many beach toys, etc.) but it was, without a doubt, absolutely  worth it.

St Peter’s school  also kindly provided 2 of their mini buses for the trip and their bus drivers volunteered their services during their holiday time.

Our adventure to the seaside_Post_3-04-04

The Ukrainian families said that the North sea looked and smelled different to the Black sea but they loved it! We played on the beach, some families tried fish and chips (you can’t have a day at the seaside without them!) and then played in Glen Gardens.

Our adventure to the seaside_Post_3-01-01

As we were travelling home, on the bus full of happy and tired kids, I couldn’t help but realise how much in common we all have – no matter what nationality we are, what culture and history we have evolved in, simple pleasures of being in nature and being surrounded by like-minded people bring us moments of joy and happiness.

It was a day of making new friends, new wonderful connections and beautiful childhood memories!

Thank you to everyone who has made our kids’ dreams of visiting the seaside a reality.

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